I Heart Hollywood  
作者:Lindsey Kelk  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007353163  
原價:NT 331 元  
售價:NT 265 元 特價:NT 109元  


Angela Clark can’t believe her luck… she’s an English girl living in New York with a dream job at hip magazine The Look and a sexy boyfriend. Her latest assignment takes her to Hollywood to interview hot actor and fellow Brit James Jacobs.Thrown in at the deep end she heads west with best friend Jenny dreaming of Rodeo Drive and Malibu beach. Soon Angela discovers that celebrity life in Hollywood is not all glamour, gloss and sunshine. Despite his lady-killer reputation, the only person who seems genuine is James. Then a paparazzi snaps them in an uncompromising position and suddenly Angela is thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons… Can she convince all those close to her – especially her boss and her boyfriend – not to believe everything they read? And will Hollywood ever win Angela’s heart?

英國姑娘安吉拉幾乎無法相信自己是如此走運,不但定居紐約,而且供職時尚雜誌《展望》,同時又交上了一個性感的男朋友。 在接到採訪紅透美國的英國影星詹姆斯·雅各的通知之後,安吉拉前往好萊塢。在毫無準備的情況下,她與好友詹妮向西前進,抵達夢寐以求的羅德奧車道與馬利布海灘。 很快她就發現在好萊塢揚名立萬並不全是好事。 詹姆斯雖深受女性影迷的愛戴,但似乎可以算是唯一誠懇的人。 因攝影師捕捉到的鏡頭,安吉拉一下子被推到了聚光燈下。她是否能夠說服身邊的人,特別是她的老闆與男朋友,千萬不可輕信報導?



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